The “HCl Domino Volt“ brand passed away. Maybe to avoid the confsion with the new and fancy Volt Mx product, HCL had decided to rebranded to “HCL Domino Leap“. And it still getting more and more functionality. That point makes the product more “complete” and enlarge the number of use cases that you can resolve with HCL Domino Leap.

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For years, we heard negative comments about the lack of modernization/evolution of the Notes client. The weaknesses of this main entry point focus all the attention, encouraging customers to migrate towards others platforms.

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The HCL Domino server continues on his way to become one of the best NOSQL databases in the market. To the features we already known (Replication, compatibility with older versions, several security levels, …), in latest versions HCL added the DQL language to retrieve data in a flexible and efficient way. On the OpenNTF webinar, John Curtis announced next changes that they are working on and will most likely come in the new version of Domino.

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With version 1.0.4 released in April, in my opinion, HCL Domino AppDevPack contains a minimum set of functionalities to be considered as an option to take into account when facing a new web development based on Domino or modernizing an application beyond the HCL Notes client.

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